Although the vote for the Iran Nuclear Agreement has been made, you can still register your support for Israel by signing the declaration below.
To the Honorable Benjamin Netanyahu and the People of Israel,
I stand with you today! As a Bible-believing Christian and friend of the nation of Israel, I want to assure you that I am in full support of Israel's right to exist and defend herself. The promises of the God of Abraham to the Jewish people and their right to the land of Israel are still in full effect. Israel has the right to live in peace and safety.
I am not just a Friend of Zion in name only, but in action as well. I oppose and am speaking out against the deal that allows Iran's nuclear program to continue unimpeded. I am praying that God will work to defend Israel once again. And I pray that His hand will guide you as you lead the nation of Israel in these difficult days. I am obeying the command of God to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. You are not alone!
Tell the Politicians and Liberal Media to
Bless ISRAEL, Not Terrorism We Stand with Israel
"I will bless those Who Bless My People." - Psalm 132:13-18